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Happy 4th of July


Happy 4th of July

This year I wanted to express my happiness and gratefulness to our forefather who  were determined to create our great United States of America in 1776.

Many people living in the 13 original colonies decided that they did not want to live under England’s  rule so they were determined to fight for their freedoms from England.

Many people living in the colonies were afraid to fight for their freedoms. Many other people living under English law were loyal to the British crown.

These wars were fought against family members but after many battles our forefathers determined to begin our new country. They called it the United States of America.

Our forefathers wanted to create a county where people could live in freedom so they wrote the Bill of Rights and our United State Constitution.

I am reminded of War Between the States that were fought to keep our country united.

Again, the battles were between many family members some loyal to the North and many people loyal to the South.

Many people immigrated to our great county to share of our American Dreams, that include to right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Many of these immigrants learned English and they were determined to become good United States citizens.

They worked and paid their taxes, sent their children to our good schools, voted in our elections and wanted their children to enjoy all of the benefits that the United States of America had to offer.

My father and my mother served in World War II in our U S Army.

We lived near Washington, D C so my father took his children to watch the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Solders.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is a historic funerary monument dedicated to deceased U.S. service members whose remains have not been identified. It is located in Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia, United States.

Young military men paced in front of the Tomb so the military dead were never alone.

Years later young military women were also able to pace in front of the Tomb so the military dead were never alone.

My father also took his children to Gettysburg to the scene of one of the bloodiest battles of the War Between the States.

My parents taught their children to be very grateful they are born in the United States of America.

Our ancestors immigrated from Ireland in the late 1700s and from Germany in the early 1800s.

I am very grateful that my ancestors crossed the Atlantic Ocean to the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

May God continue to bless us and our United States of America.

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