Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

Memorial Day Celebration in Monterey Park at American Legion Post 397


Flags were flown half-staff in front of City Hall on May 27 to honor our military members who died to keep us free.


The Flower Wreath that was presented to remind us of our military members deaths.


Falling Veterans Table was set to remind us that many families are missing a family member at their table.

The Red Poppies were sold to remind people of them of the military members that were killed overseas.


Monterey Park Mayor Pro Tem Vinh Ngo, Mayor Thomas Wong, former Mayor Mike Eng and Councilmember Henry Lo attended this very special event.


Roxy from Post 397 attended this very special event. She was petting by many of the guests.


Dennis Sandoval was the Emcee for this event. He welcomed everyone to the Post to help us celebrate this very special day. Please visit the Fallen Veterans Table. Peace is paid for by personnel sacrifices. Sacrifices are also paid by military members and their families.





Members of Boy Scout Troop 329 presented our US Flag and our State Flag. They led our Pledge of Allegiance.


Denise Kong and Darian Sandoval sang our National Anthem to the applause of the guests.


Fred “Fritz” Wilson led the Invocation. He welcomed everyone to Monterey Park that included our police  officers and firefighters as many of them are veterans. We thanked God for another beautiful day. We thank God for our freedoms. We honor the many people who have fought and died for our freedoms. Please grant them safety and peace at this time. May God comfort all of those left behind. We are here praying for those left behind. Please God keep us safe and give us peace and safety.


Dennis Sandoval asked for a “Moment of Silence” as Taps were played.


Mayor Thomas Wong said he is proud to be the Mayor of Monterey Park. He reminded the audience that Memorial Day was celebrated after the Civil War. We honor all of our falling dead. He thanked the Legion Post, our firefighters and our police officers for their service.

Thomas Wong, Vinh Ngo, Henry Lo and Amy Lee presented Proclamations to American Legion Post 397 and the Boys Scouts in honor of this special day.

Jennifer Tang, a representative from Assemblymember Mike Fong said that she is happy to be here to celebrate this special event at the Legion. We must remember our military members and their families. She thanked our military members, our firefighters and our police officers for their service. May today be a day of reflection and memories.


Esther Lim, a representative from Supervisor Hilda Solis thanked the military members for their service. We should recall all for those who made their final sacrifices. Please thank all of the military members for their service. We are grateful for their service. May God bless us and our great nation.


Former Mayor Mike Eng spoke on behalf of Congressmember Judy Chu who is honoring all of our war dead today. She thanked the Post for their celebration of this day. He recalled that his father served in World War II. When he died, he was buried with full military honors. His father wanted to be buried in the Punch Bowl Military Cemetery. It was full so he was buried in another cemetery. His brother reminded them that their father is buried in their hearts.

He thanked all of those who have served and continue to serve. He thanked the members of the Post and city staff for this very special event.


Mike Eng presented  Proclamations to members of Post 397 and the Elected Officials for this special event.


Fritz Wilson spoke about his military service. On Memorial Day we remember all of those military members who fought and died to keep us free. People now decorate all the graves of our falling military members. It was decided the Memorial Day should be held in May since all the flowers are in bloom. Memorial Day was declared a Federal Holiday in 1971. I hope all of the teachers are giving their students the history of Memorial Day. I love you all.


Jeffrey Chen listed the names of his fellow military members killed in his unit. He thanked them for their final sacrifices for our freedom. All of the dead have ended their wars. Some veterans have struggled with the horrors of war. The members of Post 397 have been able to help him and his fellow veterans with their struggles. They have helped to provide food to other veterans across the county with free food deliveries during the Pandemic.  The veterans need to support other veterans in their struggles.  Our Post 397 was built in 1929.  Former Mayor Stephen Lam helped finance the new roof for the building. We are helping to build our city. Please bring the veterans here to the Post for help. He was struggling and the other veterans helped him out. He now attends classes at Cal State LA. He thanked everyone for attending this special event.


Fritz Wilson led the Closing Prayer. He thanked God for being here today. We are paying tribute to all of those who have died. God is sharing his love with us. His father was killed in the Korean War.


Denise Kong sang “God Bless the USA”.


The Boy Scouts spoke about how to retire our flags.  The 13 Stipes are for our 13 Colonies.  The Red  Strips are for the blood shed for our freedoms. The White Strips our for  our purity. The Blue is for truth and justice. The 50 stars represent our 50 states



The Boy Scouts burn our flags as they are retired and the ashes must be buried in the ground.

Dennis Sandoval thanked everyone for attended this Memorial Day service. He announced that a boxed lunch is now being served in the Post.


Henry Mar a World War II veteran who served in Italy attended the service with Rocky Woo.

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