Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead


Dear Editor:

New information on Social Security benefits for veterans. Veterans serving on active duty between January 1957 to December 31, 2001 and planning retirement qualify for a higher social security payment because of this military service.  Up to $1,200 per year of earning credit is credited at the time of application, which can make a substantial tobogan acuatico hinchable difference in social security monthly payments received on retirement.  This is information for veterans to keep in their files as it is not just for retirees, BUT anyone who has served on active duty during those dates.  As the benefit is not automatic, but must be “asked for”, it is necessary that the veteran bring his or her DD-214 when applying for social security and requesting this additional benefit.

Margaret L. McIntosh, San Gabriel

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