Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

Citizen About Town

Citizen About Town

By Nancy C Arcuri, Editor and Publisher


Watching the local  TV news, I have noticed that many young college students are chanting “Death to Jews”, “Death to Israel” and “Death to America”.

They claim that they have Free Speech that allows them to make these violent and racist remarks.

The Presidents of some college have allowed them to set up tent cities on their campus where they threaten other students walking to their classes on campus.

All of this violence reminds me of a Seminar I attended at Catholic University in 1964 when the Professor whose family fled Poland just a head of the Nazis spoke on this issue of violence.

He stated that many of the professional agitators were paid to cause violence and run away when the police arrive on the scene.

Lately, many of those arrested on the college campuses are not college students. They are paid to cause trouble.

Most of these students wear masks so they cannot be recognized by family and friends.

I like to see when the police officers pull off their masks so people can recognize them for their stupidity.

If you people so hate our America, I believe we should ship them overseas to see if they can survive in an Arab county where women have little or no rights. They must keep their hair covered and only be allowed to travel with a male relative.

For those Homosexual people be aware that they will kill you because you violate their religious morality.

Our United States of America is being violated by some Democrats so hungry for power that they are allowing 17,000 or more illegals to invade our homeland.

These mayors, governors and elected officials have made their cities or states “A sanctuary city or state” and will not allow the Federal government to remove and deport these illegals.

In some cities and states the elected officials supply these illegals with credit cards, free food, free housing, free medical care and more at the expense of our American taxpayers.

Have you noticed that many Democrats support Abortion Rights for women right up to the day of delivery?

Maybe they should realize that their mothers could have aborted them so they would not exist  in our world.

Just food for thought since some people like to play “God”.

Please remember that God will decide our future in the afterlife. Do you live in Heaven or burn in Hell?

I have never voted for a Democrat for President but have voted for some Democrats as Congressmembers and Assemblymembers in the past.

During our Primary Election on March 5, I voted for Republicans only  because I believe that Republicans care about our United States of America.

According to the latest TV news reports, the Democratic Party have  tried to convict former President Donald J. Trump  on four separate cases because they are afraid that he will win the Presidential Election on November 5.

I will be voting for Donald J. Trump because he and his staff, Republican Senators and Republic Congressmembers will work together to save our country.

They will close the borders, open up our gas and oil production and make peace with the Middle East, Russia and China.

They will deport the thousands of illegals that Joe Biden allowed to invade our country.

They will bring down the costs of food, gas, oil, electricity and more.

They will overturn Joe Biden’s Green Deal that is designed to have our taxpayers support the poor in other countries.

On May 30th 12 New Yorkers convicted Donald Trump for 34 Felonies based on lies told by Michael Cohen and Alvin Bragg.  The Judge Juan Merchan advised the Jury that they could choose from three lists of the crimes to convict him.

Donald Trump’s attorneys were not allowed to object because Joe Biden has used our Legal Department to try to keep Donald Trump from becoming our next President.

Donald Trump will be sentenced at a later date.

On June 3rd Hunter Biden went on trial in Delaware for lying on a form to purchase a gun. He lied about being a drug addict. His sister-in-law Hallie tossed the gun into a trash can behind a local grocery store.  A man going through the trash found the illegally purchased gun.

On June 11 the Jury convicted Hunter Biden on all three counts. He will be sentenced at a later date.

Our Congressmembers need to investigate Juan Merchan and Alvin Bragg for violating Donald Trump’s civil rights in this trial.

Our Congressmembers need to investigate Barack Obama for forcing people to buy Obama care or pay a penalty. He also allowed the Dreamers to stay in our county. They are not legal US citizens.

Was Barack Obama was not charged with his crimes against our American citizens because he is a Democrat?

Our Congressmembers need to investigate Hillary Clinton for using her personal servers during her campaign for President. She destroyed them so she could not be convicted of her crimes.

Did you remember that the FEC Fined the Clinton Campaign and the DNC for Funding Steele Dossier?

Was Hillary Clinton was not charged with her crimes against American citizens because she is a Democrat?

Congressmembers should investigate Hunter Biden, James Biden and Joe Biden for treason because they have received funds from China, Russia and Ukraine for unknown services to their countries.

Did the Biden family profit from their family name?

Hunter’s computer will be used against him in his trial in Delaware.

Will Hunter face a trial for not paying his Income tax in California in September?

This Democrat Party needs to be defeated on November 5 so we can support our United States Constitution and have free elections, impartial Courts of Law,  freedom for our Religious Beliefs,

freedom for a good education, freedom to enjoy our lives and have our taxes used on to support our fellow American and not some illegals.

Please vote on November 5 to save our United States of American from becoming a Communist or Socialist country.

We voters owe our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren a chance to  live in our United States of America “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave”.

Please pray for world peace and ask God continue to Bless all of us!

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