Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

Citizen About Town

Citizen About Town

By Nancy C Arcuri, Editor and Publisher

Email: nancyarcuri@thecitizensvoice.net

If you have been following the news reports across our United States of America you will have noticed that our Southern Border has been and is still being overrun by thousands of illegal immigrants from across our world.

These people believe that President Joe Biden and his Democratic supports want them to live in our country to take over our jobs, take over our housing, take over our schools, take over our medical centers, receive free food, free housing, free medical attention, free cell phones and anything else they can get for free.

They don’t care that us American taxpayers are supporting them at the expense of our American families.

These people have been shipped to Sanctuary Cities across our country that are overflowing with illegal immigrants.

Now the elected officials of these cities want to ship these illegals to other cities who are not Sanctuary Cities.

The elected officials and residents of these cities do want to accept these illegals to live in their cities to endanger their families and their neighborhoods.

The Biden Administration is costing us American taxpayers thousands of our hard-earned tax dollars to support these invaders.

We need to demand that our elected officials build walls around our America and bring home our troops to guard our borders against these invaders.

We need to demand that our elected officials ship all of these invaders back across our borders because we can not afford to support them with our hard-earned tax dollars.

There are plenty of Homeless American citizens including our military veterans that need our support to help them become self-supporting people.

Our tax dollars should be used on American citizens first not the citizens from other countries.

When our Homeless Crisis is solved then maybe we can consider allowing legal immigration to permit vetted and self-supporting people to move into our country.

Some of our elected officials will not win at the ballot boxes because American voters are not pleased with their actions that support illegals over our fellow Americans.

Of course, if the Biden Administration and their supporters that include many of the major news outlets may rig the 2024 elections so that our county will become another Third World Country.

Please be sure to vote for candidates that want what is best for our United States of America not what is best for their One World Order.

Our United States of America was founded by we the people who wanted to live in a better country. Now we have noticed some of elected officials and their thugs that want to destroy our country.

Now we United States of America citizens must decide if we want to remain “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” or become part of the One World Order where you own nothing and are paid by their government if you conform to their wishes.

We must remember our election choices in the 2024 election cycle will determine the fate of our homeland, our family members, our friends, our religious faiths, our right to earn a living in our chosen fields, our right to own our homes and businesses and our God given liberty to be free American citizens.

May God continue to bless us and protect us from the evils of this world!

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