Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

Citizen About Town

By Nancy C. Arcuri, Editor and Publisher

Email: nancyarcuri@thecitizensvoice.net

Fax: 626-307-9081

March has arrived not with the roar of a lion but the monkey shines of the Super Delegates, the Power Brokers and the Main Stream Media during this Presidential Election in the Lunar Year of the Monkey.

If you have ever watch the monkeys at the zoo they are not throwing kiss but their manure at each other.

So far the only things that most candidates are tossing at each other are insults.

Members of each political party have remarked they have never seen such disrespect since grammar school. That was before it was required to be Politically Correct less you hurt someone’s feeling.

The government required Politically Correctness has caused Americans to be split along the lines of race, ethnicity, income, sex, sexual preference, religion and languages.

It will take more than great leadership to repair our divided America.  We must all remember that we are more alike in our hopes and dreams then we are different from each other.

The candidates from the Democrat and the Republican Parties are fighting to become the next President of the United States of America.

This election has Americans interested in our electoral process again. The voters are going to the polls to support their candidates.

The Powers That Be have already determined the Democratic candidate will be Hillary Clinton and the Republican candidate will be anyone other than Donald Trump.

Why? Because they don’t believe the voters are smart enough to decide the fate of our country.

Several cases come to mind that The Powers That Be have already used our judicial system against the will of the people.

The Supreme Court voted five to four to override the will of the people in states that voted that a marriage is between a man and a woman.  They voted that our Marriage Law in the United States of America to be changed to allow two members of the same sex to be legally married.

Some business owners have been sued and forced out of business because they did not participate in some of these marriage ceremonies that are against the their religious beliefs.

The Supreme Court voted to allow the government to tax people as part of the Affordable Health Care Act.  If your state requires you buy health insurance but you cannot afford to pay the high premiums then you will pay a fine to the IRS at the end of each tax year.  Business owners have reduced the number of hours their employees are allowed to work so they don’t have to purchase the high cost health insurance for them.

Now many families are forced into hardship by the government who determined that the needs of the small-uninsured population should override the majority of the people who worked a forty-hour week and could afford their health insurance benefits.

That is our government at work.  We the People don’t matter to The Powers That Be.

This is a very important election that will determine the future our America.

Please study the candidates and their issues carefully.

Don’t let The Powers That Be continue to dictate who our elected officials should be and which laws should be passed.

The United States of America belong to us, We The People, not some special interest groups who make their decisions based on the power and wealth they want to acquire at the sacrifice of our America.

May we have a beautiful Spring season with green grass, beautiful flowers and much needed rain.

Wishing you the Luck of the Irish on St. Patrick’s Day!

Wishing you and yours Easter Blessings!

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