Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead


By Mona Raskin

While struggling through a rather shaky, humid and hot September was not enough, Monterey Park residents found themselves experiencing a “blackout” leaving them sweating and suffering on the evening of the 16th of September. It wasn’t until two hours later when Edison finally resumed the electric power once again!


We were pleasantly surprised on the 17th of September to find our television was now working as well so that we could see a special T. V.  program, “The Ellen Degeneres Show” in which a group of British musicians known as the  “Bastiles” surrounded by several violinists put on an outstanding performance !  One of the violinists standing next to the vocalist was none other than my granddaughter, Laura Bedol.


It surely was a wonderful show and we were especially happy and very proud of Laura’s outstanding performance, as well! I can truly say September 17th was the brightest and one of the best parts of the month!


P.S.    A few days later, Laura continued on to another show at the Greek theater where she performed with another British vocalist, Sam Smith, which we heard went very well!

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