Left to right standing: Jackie Coulette, Jennie Tang, Diana Smiley, Dr. Gay Toltl Kinman, Cheryl Prentice, Selene Torres, Dr.Karen Chao , Miriam Harrington and Carol Barrett Left to right seated: Jean Hooper, Dr. Annie Chin Siu and Valerie Gomez
Soroptimist International of Alhambra San Gabriel San Marino donated $5000 to local organizations that help women and girls. The checks were given at the club’s weekly luncheon meeting on May 8 at Almansor Court.
Recipients were Century High School for the summer Art Academy; Rehabilitation Counseling Association at CSULA for the Ready Set Go Program for children; Generation Her in San Gabriel for the Life Skills Program for teen moms; and La Casa de San Gabriel for Parent Education for Latina Mothers. The checks were presented by Service Committee members.
Jenny Tang and Jean Hooper fromĀ Century High School told about introducing at-risk students to the art world of Los Angeles, such as women artists, various forms of art and museums. The money will be spend on art supplies and field trip fees. They received their check from former Century High School principal Jackie Coulette.
Selene Torres from Cal State L. A. spoke about the program for at-risk elementary school children from low income families. The money will be spent on school supplies and clothing. Her check was presented by Dr. Gay Toltl Kinman.
Generation Her representative Dianna Smiley, and volunteer Matt Smiley, told about the services provided to pregnant girls and teen mothers, providing them with classes in caring for children, nutrition and life skills. Her check was presented by Service Committee chair Dr. Karen Chao.
Cheryl Prentice from La Casa spoke about the classes they offer to mothers, including how they can help their children achieve success in school. The funds will help pay for childcare while the mothers are in class. With her was volunteer Carol Barrett. Miriam Harrington presented the check.
Valerie Gomez from the West San Gabriel YMCA talked about the “I Did It” program of counseling for overweight women and girls who have been in domestic violence situations. The money will be spent on classes about self-esteem and nutrition. She and young participant Joshua Holguin received a check from Dr. Annie Chin Siu.
Applications for funding are available each year for organizations that offer programs to better the lives of women and girls. The Soroptimist club raises the funds at its annual Fashion Show held the Sunday before Thanksgiving.
For further information about Soroptimist, an international women’s service organization, go to
To help in the community on these projects, contact Soroptimist International of Alhambra San Gabriel San Marino, Post Office Box 343, Alhambra CA 91802, or attend a luncheon meeting on Tuesday at 12:15 at Almansor Court, 700 South Almansor, Alhambra.