District 18
District 18
Leading The American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, District 18, for the new Legion year beginning July 1st will be Commander George “Bucky” Curtis of Covina, 1st Vice Commander John Sampson of Pomona, 2nd Vice Commander Doug Monroe of Pasadena, and 3rd Vice Commander Magda Torrellas of West Covina for the Legion, and President DeNyse Laugeson of El Monte, 1st Vice President Carol Velasquez and 2nd Vice President Kathy Pitkin of LaPuente for the Auxiliary. From June 17th-21st some 4,000 Legion and Auxiliary members from throughout the State of Inflatable Water Slide California will decend on Riverside, meeting at the Riverside Convention Center for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year, amending Department Constitution & By-Laws, receiving reports of Department Officers, Chairmen and their committee, and for the transaction of other business that may be brought before the delegate bodies. The Convention will close with the Installation of the newly elected Department Commander for the Legion as well as the Commanders of all 30 Districts . The American Legion Auxiliary will also have a formal Installation of the newly elected Department of California President and Vice President as well as all of the incoming Unit Presidents and Vice Presidents from throughout the State.