MERCI has fundraisers in which you may want to participate
Submitted by Linda Wilson, Monterey Park
1. Fresh and Easy will contribute a dollar for each $20 of purchases at their stores. Please keep the cash register receipts and either drop them off at MERCI, 525 N. Chandler Avenue, Monterey Park, CA 91754. There is a small office behind the construction area where the cash register receipts can be dropped or you can mail them to MERCI.
2. MERCI is also registered with Ralphs for their castillo hinchable contribution program. You can select Ralphs online if you want to contribute a percentage of your purchases to MERCI. If you do not have access to a computer, contact MERCI (626) 289-8817 or to find out how you can contribute via Ralphs to MERCI.
3. Trees of Enchantment will be Sunday, December 4th at Luminarias. Tickets are $50. Contact MERCI (626) 289-8817 or for more information.