Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead




Issa, Castro Introduce Indian Ocean Region Strategic Review Act

On May 15, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) and Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20) – both senior members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee – introduced the Indian Ocean Region Strategic Review Act. This bipartisan legislation would enhance U.S. strategic engagement with the Indian Ocean region by requiring the development of a multi-year strategy and implementation plan for coordinated regional military, diplomatic, and development initiatives.

“As we seek to counter China’s aggression and establish a winning Indo-Pacific strategy, America’s engagement with the Indian Ocean Region is critically important to our national interest. It is a point of intersection of widespread global trade and rapid economic growth, and it warrants a priority position in America’s policy choices. As we work to deepen our relationship and strengthen our partnerships in the Indian Ocean Region, I’m joining with Rep. Castro to advance the Indian Ocean Region Strategic Review Act and bring needed focus on this critical part of the world and our future in it,” said Rep. Issa.

“As the United States deepens our engagement in the Indo-Pacific, we can’t afford to overlook the importance of the Indian Ocean Region,” said Rep. Castro. “Home to nearly 40 percent of the world’s population and stretching across three continents, the Indian Ocean Region is a vital center of economic growth and innovation. I’m glad to introduce the Indian Ocean Region Strategic Review Act, which will streamline U.S. diplomacy, defense, and development coordination with our allies and partners to build a free, safe, and prosperous future for the Indian Ocean Region and the world.”

The bill would further require coordination across the Department of State, Department of Defense, and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to ensure a cohesive approach to engagement in the Indian Ocean region. Specifically, the legislation would:

  • Strengthen diplomatic relations through active participation in regional organizations and bilateral engagements.
  • Build upon existing agreements with strategic partners like India to foster military communication and intelligence sharing.
  • Encourage commercial exchanges and economic development by working closely with countries in the region, including island nations and key partners like India, Japan, and Australia.
  • Ensure freedom of navigation and protect international shipping lanes that are vital for global trade.
  • Enhance the ability of regional governments and NGOs to respond, prepare, and mitigate environmental disasters.

The full text of the legislation is available here.

In 2022, the Annual Report of the Bipartisan US-China Economic and Security Review Commission recommended the creation of an Indian Ocean strategy. During the 117th Congress, a previous version of the Indian Ocean Region Strategic Review Act was included in the House-passed version of the America COMPETES Act.

Issa Announces District 48 Students Appointed to Military Service Academies

On May 16, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) announced 10 students from California’s 48th Congressional district who received appointments to U.S. Military Service Academies.

Rep. Issa honored these students at a congratulatory breakfast hosted in Escondido, CA which also included their families as well as local veterans and members of the military community.

“These ten very special students have stepped forward to serve our nation. They represent a proud, centuries-long tradition and the enduring future of our military and its leadership. I trust they will serve with courage and commitment, and they have the congratulations and best wishes of this retired Army Captain.”

Each year, members of the U.S. House and Senate nominate high school seniors from their community for admission to the U.S. Air Force, Merchant Marine, Military, and Naval academies. Nominees were reviewed by a skilled panel of local community members.
List of students selected to attend service academies:

  • Myles Farkas, U.S. Air Force Academy, Poway, Mt Carmel HS
  • Arianna Garcia, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, Valley Center, Calvin Christian HS
  • Diesel Harmon, U.S. Air Force Academy, Temecula, Great Oak HS
  • Ethan Ketron, U.S. Military Academy, Temecula, Great Oak HS
  • Haley Martin, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Murrieta, Vista Murietta HS
  • Declan Montez, U.S. Naval Academy, Murrieta, Murrieta Valley HS
  • Iroda Muhummadiyeva, US Naval Academy, Murrieta, Vista Murietta HS
  • Ryan Munch, U.S Naval Academy, El Cajon, Marion Military Institute
  • Christine Ortiz, U.S. Naval Academy, Temecula, Great Oak HS
  • Charles Welsh, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Lakeside, El Capitan HS

Photo from left to right: Arianna Garcia, Iroda Muhummadiyeva, Ethan Ketron, Diesel Harmon, Charles Welsh, Myles Farkas, Haley Martin, Christine Ortiz (not pictured: Ryan Munch, Declan Montez).

Issa Bill Unanimously Passes Judiciary Committee—Will Improve U.S. Patent Code, Waive Mandatory Fines on Small Businesses

On May 16, Legislation authored by Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), Chairman of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, to amend U.S. patent code passed the House Judiciary Committee by unanimous voice vote.

Issa’s bill, H.R. 7803, authorizes the Director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to provide good faith exceptions to certain fines imposed for minor infractions of the U.S. patent code.

“H.R. 7803 is the solution we need to advance fairness in our patent system. By adding new flexibility to waive fines, we will deliver relief to small businesses and empower the innovators that drive our economy,” said Rep. Issa.

Specifically, the bill amends:

  • section 41(j), by adding before “be subject” the following: “, unless the entity shows that the assertion was made in good faith,”; and
  • in section 123(f), by adding before “be subject” the following: “, unless the entity shows that the certification was made in good faith,”.

The bill is co-led by Subcommittee Ranking Member Hank Johnson (GA-04).

The bill text can be found here.

Rep. Issa, Sen. Cruz: Mexico’s Lawsuit Against Gun Manufacturers is an Affront to 2nd Amendment and American Sovereignty

On May 30,  Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) and Senator Ted Cruz (TX) have submitted an amicus brief to the Supreme Court of the United States supporting the request of American firearms manufacturers to have their case heard by the High Court in Mexico v. Smith & Wesson Brands Inc.

The suit, brought forth by the Mexican government, alleges that America’s largest firearms manufacturers and wholesalers are responsible for criminal gun trafficking impacting Mexico through the southern border. The Massachusetts District Court initially dismissed the case, noting its violation of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), but the dismissal was overturned by the 1st Circuit Court.

“The case brought by the Mexican government disregards American sovereignty by dismissing the clear reading of our sacred Second Amendment and blaming American private business for the crime and lawlessness we are seeing on both sides of Biden’s open borders. The Massachusetts District Court made the right call sidelining this case, and I’m proud to stand with Sen. Cruz in urging the Supreme Court to swiftly intervene,” said Rep. Issa.

Rep. Issa and Sen. Cruz were joined by a significant number of their colleagues, including House Members Mike Bost (IL-12), Andrew Clyde (GA-9), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA-14), Harriet Hageman, (WY-AL), Diana Harshbarger (TN-01), Kevin Hern (OK-01), Clay Higgins (LA-03), Doug Lamborn (CO-05), Anna Paulina Luna (FL-13), Mary Miller (IL-15), Pete Sessions (TX-17), Claudia Tenney (NY-24), Daniel Webster (FL-11), and Senators Marsha Blackburn, (TN), Mike Braun (IN), Ted Budd (NC), John Cornyn (TX), Kevin Cramer (ND), Steve Daines (MT), Lindsey Graham (SC), Mike Lee (UT). Roger Marshall (KS), Rick Scott (FL), John Thune (SD), and Thom Tillis (NC).

The amicus brief is also supported by Firearms Regulatory Accountability Coalition (FRAC) and National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF).

The text of the amicus brief can be found here.

Rep. Issa: Biden’s Fake Border ‘Crackdown’
Will Only Make His Border Crisis Worse

On June 4, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) issued the following statement:

“The entire country knows that on day one of his presidency, Joe Biden threw open the nation’s borders, ended policies that were working to restrict illegal crossings, turned America into a sanctuary nation, prevented Border Patrol professionals from doing their job, and repurposed them as Uber drivers for illegals.

“Biden’s allies call today’s proposal a “crackdown.” Left out of that spin is the fact that this new order only goes into effect after illegal border crossings reach 2,500 per day – almost one million per year. Some crackdown.

“The fact is it is too late for Biden. He purposefully broke our immigration system, made a mockery of our laws, penalized those who played by the rules, and let more than 10 million illegals into the country to stay. All of this, including the unprecedented number of victims of human trafficking and the deadliest drug crisis in America’s history, is Joe Biden’s fault – and Biden’s alone.”
Issa, House Veterans Execute Parachute Jump Over Normandy to Honor 80th D-Day Anniversary


On Friday, June 7, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) and a bipartisan delegation of veterans serving in Congress conducted a parachute jump over Normandy, France from a WWII-era plane to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

“Eighty years ago, freedom faced its great challenge on the beaches of Normandy – and through immense bravery and sacrifice, Allied forces fought and won a pivotal victory. Those heroes of D-Day deserve our remembrance and profound gratitude for the sacrifice they made to preserve freedom,” said Rep. Issa. “I was proud to join my veteran colleagues on this jump to pay tribute to those courageous men. May we never forget the great price that was paid on June 6, 1944.”

Rep. Issa was joined by Reps. Mike Waltz (FL-06), Derrick Van Orden (WI-03), Mark Green (TN-07), Keith Self (TX-03), Rich McCormick (GA-06), Ronny Jackson (TX-13), Cory Mills (FL-07), Dan Crenshaw (TX-02), and Jason Crow (CO-06).

The jump was featured in an article from Fox News.

Watch the footage of Rep. Issa’s successful jump here.

Issa: Hunter Biden Conviction a Reminder of Biden Administration Culture of Corruption

On June 11,  Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) released the following statement:

“Today’s conviction of Hunter Biden is not a cause for celebration, but rather a stark reminder of the culture of corruption that threatens to engulf not only the Biden presidency – but his Department of Justice as well.

“The truth is the Biden DOJ for years sought not to deliver justice but figure out a way to have Hunter Biden’ avoid it. Recall that the Biden DOJ never wanted to try this case, allowed far more serious charges to lapse, and attempted an unprecedented sweetheart plea deal that would have immunized Hunter Biden from both past crimes and future wrongdoing. Fortunately, an alert judge stopped this outrageous deal and a Delaware jury has rendered its unanimous verdict.

“The day of accountability for Biden’s corruption – and that of the leadership of his Department of Justice – is closer than ever.”

Issa Leads Bipartisan Legislation to Protect Online Consumers from Counterfeit Goods

On June 11, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, introduced the SHOP SAFE Act which will protect consumers from counterfeit goods on the online marketplace.

The SHOP SAFE Act incentivizes online marketplaces to improve their ability to detect and stop counterfeit goods by protecting online marketplaces from civil liability if they comply with anti-counterfeiting measures, including requirements to better vet third-party sellers and provide more information to consumers about where the products they buy are originated.

“For far too long and for no acceptable reason, millions of American consumers have been ripped off by purchasing fake, illegal, and unsafe counterfeit products sold on online marketplaces. How we stop it starts right here,” said Chairman Issa. “The nationwide problem of third-party sellers peddling bogus products on platforms is made worse because these sham sellers are rarely – if ever – held accountable for the damage they inflict not only to individuals but to the entire structure of consumer confidence as well. Our bipartisan legislation promotes key incentives for online platforms to engage in best practices that will screen and vet both sellers and products to ensure that consumers have the information they need when they shop online.”

The bill is cosponsored by House Judiciary Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler (NY-12), House Judiciary Member Ben Cline (VA-06), and Subcommittee Ranking Member Hank Johnson (GA-04)..

“As American consumers increasingly turn to the internet to shop, counterfeiters have kept pace. To stop this rising trend in online sales of unsafe counterfeit products, the law must keep pace too,” said House Judiciary Ranking Member Jerrold Nadler. “I am proud to reintroduce the bipartisan SHOP SAFE Act, which will protect consumers by making platforms appropriately responsible for harmful counterfeits sold through their websites by others and encouraging them to go on the offensive in the fight against fakes.”

“As online retailers continue to grow and increasingly work with unverified third-party vendors, Congress must take steps to protect American consumers from both physical and financial harm, as well as protect the integrity and authenticity of the products,” said Rep. Cline. “The SHOP SAFE Act will help ensure consumers get the product they paid for by curbing the flow of counterfeit goods, many of which come from China. It would also aid in dismantling revenue sources for terror organizations who rely in-part on the sale of fake goods to fund their operations.”

“Combatting counterfeits online is of critical importance,” said Subcommittee Ranking Member Hank Johnson. “We are no longer in the era of fake watches and handbags being sold out of car trunks. As consumers have moved online, counterfeiters have embraced the Internet, too. But shopping on an online marketplace should come with the same customer trust and confidence as a brick-and-mortar store – today it does not. The SHOP SAFE Act is a good first step to countering this troubling trend and protecting American consumers.”

The bill has received endorsements from the following organizations:

  • National Association of Manufacturers
  • Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies (ASOP Global)
  • Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers
  • MEMA, The Vehicle Suppliers Association
  • Sentinel Connector Systems
  • American Apparel & Footwear Association
  • The Partnership for Safe Medicines
  • Halloween & Costume Association
  • TIC Council
  • Consumer Healthcare Products Association
  • Automotive Anti-Counterfeiting Council
  • International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition
  • Transnational Alliance to Combat Illicit Trade (TRACIT)
  • Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA)
  • Communications Cable & Connectivity Association (CCCA)
  • Personal Care Products Council (PCPC)
  • Adidas
  • Authentix, Inc.
  • National Systems Contractors Association (NSCA)
  • Vinyl Institute
  • ABA Industry Inc

“All toys sold in the U.S. must comply with strict standards and undergo extensive testing to ensure they are safe. Though some efforts have been made, counterfeits continue to pop up on many online marketplaces at an alarming rate. These unsafe items are putting millions of families at risk and undermine all of the hard work that legitimate companies put in to make their products safe,” said Greg Ahearn, President & CEO of The Toy Association. “The Shop Safe legislation can help ensure that all American consumers are protected while shopping online.”

The bill text can be found here.

Issa Convenes Hearing to Examine Impact of Third-Party Funding on Legal System, IP Litigation

On June 13, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48), Chairman of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, convened a hearing entitled “The U.S. Intellectual Property System and the Impact of Litigation Financed by Third-Party Investors and Foreign Entities.”

The hearing examined the impact of secretive, profit-motivated third-party litigation fueling frivolous patent lawsuits and exploiting our legal system, as well as the national security risk presented by funding from foreign adversaries. Additionally, Chairman Issa led discussion on the role Congress ought to play in reining in this troubling practice.

“Unlike traditional funding aimed at making victims whole, third-party litigation funding prioritizes investor profits over litigant need and often involves foreign interests from China and Russia. This practice, notably employed by ‘patent trolls’, undermines the integrity of our legal system and Congress should determine the necessary transparency and disclosure measures to curb these abuses,” said Rep. Issa.

The hearing featured the following witnesses:

  • Hon. Bob Goodlatte, former Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
  • Paul Taylor, Visiting Fellow, National Security Institute, George Mason University
  • Donald Kochan, Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Law and Economics Center, Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University
  • Professor Victoria Sahani, Associate Provost for Community and Inclusion and Professor of Law, Boston University

The following organizations submitted statements and letters of support in favor of transparency and disclosure in third-party litigation funding:

  • American Property Casualty Insurance Association
  • Unified Patents
  • Cisco Systems
  • Center for Climate Integrity
  • National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies
  • U.S. Made
  • National Association of Manufacturers

Chairman Issa’s opening remarks can be found here.

A recording of the hearing can be found here.

Issa Eviscerates ESG

Exposes Hypocrisy, Impossibility of Implementing Radical Investing Agenda

On June 13, Congressman Darrell Issa (CA-48) exposed the hypocrisy of radical environmental, social, governance (ESG) investing agenda being forced upon Americans.

Issa’s remarks were made as part of a hearing in the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Administrative State, Regulatory Reform, and Antitrust entitled “Climate Control: Decarbonization Collusion in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Investing.”

“There is zero risk today investing in the oil and natural gas industry. There’s zero risk because for the foreseeable future we are going to need it and we’re going to need more. Yes, we need to be as clean as it possibly can. But the transition away from fossil fuels has been predicted for decades and it is nowhere close. It is clear you’re making investment decisions based on your politics and not on the best interests of national security of the welfare of the American people,” said Rep. Issa.

The hearing featured the following witnesses:

  • Mindy Lubber, Chief Executive Officer and President, Ceres
  • Dan Bienvenue, Interim Chief Investment Officer, CalPERS
  • Natasha Lamb, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer, Arjuna Capital
  • Keith Ellison, Attorney General, State of Minnesota
  • Darrell Issa is the Representative of California’s 48th Congressional District. The District encompasses the central and eastern parts of San Diego County and a portion of Riverside County, including the communities of Fallbrook, Valley Center, Ramona, Escondido, Santee, Lakeside, Poway, Temecula, Murrieta, and the mountain and desert areas of the San Diego-Imperial County line. Issa served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform from 2011-2015.

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