Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

American Legion District 18 Meeting – May 15

American Legion District 18 Meeting

The American Legion District 18 meeting will be conducted by Commander Steve Turley of Pomona on Friday, May 15th, at Monterey Park Post 397, 338 S Ramona Ave., Monterey Park. Dinner precedes the meeting at 6:00 p.m., and dinner reser-vations by calling the Post at 626-571-9211 will be appreciated.

As expressed by 6th Area Vice Commander Charles P Overkleeft of Simi Valley, Legionnaires work is never done. “Recruiting and educating veterans in working with and supporting our local communities, implementing our American Legion Programs such as Boys State, Oratorical and Sons of the Legion, are tasks that must be completed on a continual basis. We must conquer the coming times with a renewed since of pride, determination, dedication and action to ensure America stays strong and an example for all countries to admire”.

Students from area schools, delegates to the Youth Environmental & Leadership Conference, will be leaving from Monterey Park Post 397 on May 14th for their trip to Sacramento and then on to the Sly Park Conservation and Environmental Education Center for an exciting weekend learning more about their environment as well as careers in related fields.

Ed Barlow of Pasadena, a member of the American Legion Emergency & Disaster Response Commission, will stress the importance of citizens taking the lead in preparing their own homes for every eventuality. Everyone needs to take this opportunity to update their home “disaster” kit - replace the water, recycle emergency food stores, insure there are tools required to turn off the water and gas lines. As Rita and Katrina demonstrated, we are ultimately responsible for our own recovery. The Legion has long been a mainstay for those who have suffered catastrophic losses due to natural disasters, and Legionaries have always stood ready and willing to step forward during times of need.

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