Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

Vega Intelligence Brief – August 28th, 2022 (VIA)


English Translation: Good afternoon, Sunday August 28th, 2022 when there are only 3 months until the federal election of November. This election will pit 2 traditional parties against each other: Democrats vs Republicans. The questions many ask themselves: Are these parties really that different? Or is it more of the same? To better understand the argument we should go to the origin of American political parties during the nation’s founding.

The dominant party in 1792, since it was founded May 13th, 1792, was the Democratic-Republican Party. Actually, they were not 2 but 1 party. Founded by a group of congressmen opposed to George Washington’s policies, our first president, elected by unanimity. These opposing men lead by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison founded it to oppose centralization of powers  by the federal govt over all the states.

This opposition held them together until 1824 when internal divisions inside Democratic-Republican Party separated them. Main reason was the party lacked a shared ideological vision, were very different, and united only in opposition of Washington. Eventually that same opposition separated them.

So, what was the differences within the Democratic-Republican Party? Simple. The Republican sector was nationalist both on the economy and politics. The mindset of ‘America first’ or ‘We are going to make America great’ – well, not again because it was the beginning. While Democrat’s sector was less nationalistic, more internationalist because most of their trade they did was with Europe. Thus they favored more international views.

Also Republican sector was anti-expansionist opposing both Manifest Destiny, that expanded U.S. to California, and the Mexican American War that gave the U.S. most of the states in the southwest. The Democrat sector wanted to expand American values and culture to as many territories as possible.

Another sharp difference among members of Democratic-Republican Party was Republicans were anti-aristocracy, anti-fifí, anti-monarchies; while Democrats were exactly the opposite because many of its leaders lived in the South that were or had been French colonies and had deep connection with monarchial aristocracy they aspired to bring from Europe. Somewhat similar to what Porfirio Díaz did in México when to separate from Spain he decided to ‘Frenchify’ México. Democrat sector to separate from Anglo-Saxon values also chose to ‘Frenchify’ America.

Another difference between both sectors was slavery. Republican sector opposed it and favored meritocracy. Democrat sector wasn’t against it because the economy of states where most governed profit from an enslaved economy. Since sectors of Democratic-Republican Party didn’t share a common ideology but opposition to president George Washington, when retired they disintegrated in 1824.

So, are Democrats and Republicans the same or different? What can I tell you: they were the same political party, one party. It’s good to study history and prepare to vote in November because the election will be decisive. And now they are not one political party but 2 with ideology that remains completely different from each other. This is Luis Vega reporting from California. Stay well (¡Que estés muy bien!),

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