3rd Annual Monster Mash in Monterey Park
Jason Dhing, Bill Zeiger and Mayor Yvonne Yiu joined with 5,000 or more residents to enjoy our Halloween celebration held at Barnes Park on October 21.
The party was sponsored by the Recreation and Community Department and the Monterey Park Bruggemeyer Library.
Members of the Monterey Park Fire Department sponsored a game booth. The prize was candy to the delight of children of all ages. The guests were also provided information brochures.
Members of the Monterey Park Police Department sponsored a game booth the provided candy and information brochures.
Employees of Chick-Fil-A had game booth and the prizes were candy.
Members of the American Legion Post 397 had games and an information booth to remind everyone they offer services to veterans. They also had candy prizes.
The Greater Monterey Park Chamber of Commerce had a booth to provided information on their services to local businesses. They also had candy for everyone to enjoy.
Members of the Boys and Girls Club had games and information on their service to the residents. They also had candy to everyone to enjoy.
Recreation Department had several game booths and a Haunted House. People of all ages were playing games for candy.
Carol and Larry Sullivan minded the Lions Club booth that provided information to the residents on their services to the community.
Members of the Library Foundation had games with candy prizes. They also provided information to the public on the services provided at the library
Members of the City Clerk’s Office had games with candy prizes and important information for the residents.
The City Manager’s Office had games with candy prizes and important information for the residents.
Fantastick Patrick, a juggler, provided entertainment to children of all ages with his juggling acts. He also had guests playing games with him to their great delight.
Councilmember Hans Liang dressed up to celebrate Halloween.
Mayor Yvonne Yiu welcomed everyone to this special event. Have fun and eat lots of candy.
Councilmember Fred Sornoso welcomed the residents to this event. It is good to see everyone here. He said he had bags to pass out to people who needed them. He also joked that his uncle is a Dentist and had his business cards if you need his services.
Councilmember Hans Liang welcomes everyone. He dressed up for the occasion. Have a good time. He thanked the staff for providing this event.
City Clerk Vince Chang said he was happy to see all of you. It is great to come out and enjoy the day.
Mayor Yiu, Councilmember Sornoso, Councilmember Liang and City Clerk Chang posed for a group picture.
Mayor Pro Tem Henry Lo and City Treasurer Joseph Leon joined in the celebration.
Children of all ages were having a great time playing with their friends and neighbors.
The Costume Parade began as hundreds of children accompanied by their parents and grandparents marched to the beat of “Ghost Busters”, “Theme from the Adams Family”, “Thriller” and “The Nightmare Before Christmas”.
They stopped at each booth for a candy treat.
Arty Loon, a magician, provided entertainment to children of all ages with his magic tricks. He also had the children playing game with him as part of his show.
The event featured information booths, food trucks and tons of candy.
This celebration was enjoyed by the residents, their friends and the city staff.