The Second International Day of Conscience
The Second International Day of Conscience
Realizing Our Era of Conscience and Creating a World of Peace for Humanity
April 5, 2021 marks the second International Day of Conscience. The Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) hosted two virtual events to celebrate this significant day. It received greetings, warm wishes, and messages of conscience from many incumbent and former heads of state and government as well as visionary leaders from around the world, including the President of Malta; the Prime Ministers of Belgium, the Czech Republic, and Ireland; the Minister of Culture of Portugal; and the Secretary General of OECD. The two online events received over 20,000 views.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, delivered welcome remarks, saying, “I would like to thank many international friends and organizations, countries, and the United Nations for their endeavors, as our collective efforts have made the International Day of Conscience possible. It is a day of conscience for all humanity. This day belongs to every world citizen and has a profound meaning.”
Dr. Hong also emphasized the importance of conscience for individuals and the world: “The world is volatile, but we can secure our hearts with ‘Oneness,’ which is conscience. Things change as the circumstances change, but we should adhere to conscience and noble deeds regardless of changes in circumstances. Only our conscience can save our souls, and only conscience can save our world. I invite you all to start practicing love and conscience in everything you do and inspire those around you to realize their era of conscience to jointly create a world of happiness for all humanity. Let us move forward happily together for a world of peace. Let us work together to give humanity an opportunity to move towards peace and sustainability and share a happy, fulfilling, and true era of conscience!”
Ambassador Teburoro Tito, former President of Kiribati and current Permanent Representative of Kiribati to the UN, stated, “As a partner and supporter of FOWPAL’s great efforts in this global mission, the Republic of Kiribati is happy to join this celebration together with other partner countries, in particular the Kingdom of Bahrain, which had provided good leadership in the intergovernmental negotiation in New York two years ago that led to the United Nations’ declaration of April 5 as the International Day of Conscience.”
Dr. Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, Bahrain’s Foreign Minister, expressed his country’s pride in celebrating the International Day of Conscience, stressing that Bahrain believes that conscience motivates people to foster peace, coexistence, and brotherhood among all countries.
Former President of Mauritius Gurib-Fakim said, “We know how much FOWPAL has been active in making us think differently, in making us do things with our conscience.” She urged people to live sustainability: “We have to really think out the way we do business because the way we are overshooting our consumption, it’s as if we have four planets and yet we only have one planet.”
“It’s important to speak loud on the importance of conscience,” said former President of Montenegro Filip Vujanović, adding, “I fully support FOWPAL’s dedication to providing platforms for promoting fundamental human values and striving towards accomplishing the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.”
Former President of Ecuador Rosalía Arteaga Serrano emphasized the importance of respect for others, appreciation of diversity, and peaceful coexistence. She shared how she overcame her sadness when her second child, who had Down Syndrome, passed away at the age of 10 months, by reaching out to others in similar situations.
Former President of Trinidad and Tobago Anthony Thomas Aquinas Carmona shared how he, through conscience-driven action, transformed and saved lives and implemented a project to uphold restorative justice when he was a judge. He also highlighted the importance of conscience in leadership: “A leader in every country should be the epitome of moral conscience for the society at large. You lead by example.”
Former First Lady of Trinidad and Tobago Reema Harrysingh-Carmona lent her voice to the advocacy for women empowerment and against child marriages. She said, “Through conscience-driven advocacy, many homes over the years have been transformed into repositories of progressive thinking and facilitators of female empowerment and equality.”
“In order to overcome all this, we must return to the notions of education and conscience,” said former President of Moldova Petru Lucinschi, acknowledging the challenges the world faces and recommending that “we need to reduce the money that goes into armament and provide these sources to education and medicine.”
Former President of Romania Emil Constantinescu highlighted the importance of preserving a clear conscience and an education predicated on moral values. Former President of Croatia Stjepan Mesić stated, “International Day of Consciousness has to be a motive and drive for permanent peace and cooperation.”
Alternate Ambassador Roxanna De los Santos de Piantini of the Dominican Republic to the UN (Vienna), stated, “Each and every one of us, habitants of our beloved Planet Earth, take full responsibility of our actions and start living in a culture of peace, love and consciousness, we will all be better off from our small communities expanding this awareness to our big cities and throughout the entire world.”
“Empathy, compassion, conscience, these are all the things we need a little more of not only now but in weeks and years to come,” said Congresswoman Norma Torres. She commended FOWPAL’s efforts, saying, “The Federation’s mission is exactly what we need to promote an environment of inclusion through understanding.” “We have the ability to empower those around us by embracing all that this date celebrates,” she added.
California State Senator Susan Rubio said, “Today as we celebrate International Day of Conscience, let us recommit ourselves to reaching out to others and fostering a common humanity. It will unleash a spring of giving and goodness. Let that be our mission moving forward.”
California State Senator Josh Newman recognized the various challenges in the world and said, “That’s why the International Day of Conscience was created to tackle the root issues at the heart of continuing violence around the world.”
Consul General Ahmed Shaheen of Egypt in Los Angeles stated, “Conscious awakening requires commitment strong enough to create the right prerequisites needed to cultivate a universal culture of peace and equality where people feel connected rather than divided by borders and man-made differences.”
Dr. Werner Fasslabend, former Defense Minister of Austria, stated, “I think this is a great idea and a great initiative of Dr. Hong, because if everybody follows his own conscience, the world will become better and more peaceful every day.”
Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, President of LA-based Youth for Human Rights International, stated, “Let’s continue to learn, educate and inspire respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all. Together, let’s make every day a Day of Conscience!”
Additionally, many other visionaries also shared their messages of conscience in support of the celebration. Ever since the first International Day of Conscience in 2020, FOWPAL has organized 24 virtual events to honor various UN days, connecting leaders of conscience around the world to promote a culture of peace with love and conscience together. These events, broadcast on ICDAY’s (International Conscience Day) social media platforms, have attracted over 3.3 million views worldwide.
UNESCO’s Executive Board also promotes the International Day of Conscience as it requested the UNESCO Director-General to mark the International Day of Conscience to be held annually on April 5 at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, and in UNESCO field offices, with the participation of Member States and other partners.
With the collective efforts of all nations, organizations, and individuals, FOWPAL hopes that the power of conscience will ripple across the planet to transform the world and usher in a world of love and peace for current and future generations!
Source: FOWPAL

April 5, 2021 marks the second International Day of Conscience. FOWPAL hosted two virtual events to celebrate this significant day.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, said, “Only our conscience can save our souls, and only conscience can save our world.”

Former President of Ecuador Rosalía Arteaga Serrano emphasized the importance of respect for others, appreciation of diversity, and peaceful coexistence.

Former President of Moldova Petru Lucinschi highlighted the importance of education and conscience for the betterment of the world.

Former President of Romania Emil Constantinescu emphasized the importance of preserving a clear conscience and an education predicated on moral values.

Congresswoman Norma Torres said, “Empathy, compassion, conscience, these are all the things we need a little more of not only now but in weeks and years to come.”

California State Senator Susan Rubio said, “Today as we celebrate International Day of Conscience, let us recommit ourselves to reaching out to others and fostering a common humanity.”

California State Senator Josh Newman recognized the various challenges in the world and said, “That’s why the International Day of Conscience was created to tackle the root issues at the heart of continuing violence around the world.”

Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, president of Youth for Human Rights International, stated, “Together, let’s make every day a Day of Conscience!”