Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

The Gingerbread Lady Came To Town

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Producer Cici Lau, Councilmember David Lau, their son Michael Lau, Director Bette Rae; Cast members: Brent Anderson, Matias Ponce, Chelsea Taylor, Eileen Soong and Suthern Hayes; Crew: Betty Morin, John Yang, Kevin Jua, Lan Ho and Vic Miyahira mesmerized the Monterey Park audience with their wonderful performance of Neil Simon’s ageless play “The Gingerbread Lady”.

The play ran for four performances at the Council Chambers the weekend of August 21 and 22.  Friends of the Monterey Park Library and Monterey Park City Councilmember David Lau sponsored the show.

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Cici Lau carried the show with her great performance of Evy Meara, an aging alcoholic – lounge singer. The audience felt her pain when she fell off the wagon after a stint in rehab. She wanted to be a successful mother to her daughter.

Brent Anderson introduced the audience to the life of Jimmy Perry, an unemployed actor who keeping trying for his one big break in the New York Theater scene. He was very supportive of his friends, Evy and Toby.

Matias Ponce, Manuel the Delivery Boy, opened the door to life in New York City as he delivered food and beverages to Evy’s home.  It is customary to have this door-to-door service from the stores to the homes.  Many residents have charge accounts. It is cash only if you are behind in your payments.

Chelsea Taylor reflected the image of Toby Landau an aging beauty that was afraid of life. She hid behind her make-up. She supported her friend Evy and tried to help her solve her problems.

Eileen Soong as Polly Meara mothered Evy after moving in with her. She wanted to have a mother again after years of separation.  She tried successfully to help her mother achieve her parental status.

Suthern Hayes as Lou Tanner walked back into Evy’s life after dumping her for a younger woman. He was a broke and angry young musician who was looking for his big break in the New York music scene.

The performance was stellar and the stage was reminiscent of a New York apartment.

The audience left the performance with a feeling that life is a matter of choices. Did we make better choices that these characters?

Neil Simon is one of the few American playwrights who blend comedy and tragedy together to share a slice of the American life with his audience.

Many thanks Cici Lau for making special arrangements with Samuel French, Inc. to have this classic play performed in our very own hometown of Monterey Park.

Mrs. Lau has been providing theatre to Monterey Park for the last seven years. She is promoting the performing arts and culture exchanges between the East and the West.

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