Commemorating World Humanitarian Day with Conscience
Commemorating World Humanitarian Day with Conscience
August 19 marks the UN World Humanitarian Day. The Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) hosted a virtual forum on August 19, 2020 to pay tribute to real-life heroes who help the needy, save lives or promote human welfare as well as to unite people’s conscience to practice the humanitarian spirit. With the COVID-19 still raging around the world, now more than ever conscience is called for in humanitarian operations around the world. Eight distinguished speakers shared their thoughts on “Celebrating World Humanitarian Day with Conscience,” and many humanitarians across the planet also shared their messages via videos, articles, or pictures in support of humanitarian causes. The onlive event received over 6,000 views.
Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, delivered welcome remarks, stressing that “On this World Humanitarian Day, we would like to commend all real-life heroes. Whether you are the hospital workers, lab testers, patients struggling to recover, or an unknown hero faithfully doing your duties, we appreciate the efforts you made for the betterment of the world. We call upon world leaders to practice humanitarian spirit by listening to the people, understanding the pain, and implementing policies guided by rule of law. It is expected every conscience awakened will add a positive influence to create a world with fraternity, love and peace for ourselves and all humanity.”
“We are one humanity defined by a conscience, without which we are all soulless,” said Sir Neville Cenac, the governor general of Saint Lucia. He commended frontline workers for their humanitarian efforts by saying, “They are the doctors, nurses, policemen, and first responders. They are not to be forgotten.”
“On this day we recognize our companions who sacrifice on the frontlines of humanitarian causes, and we cherish forever those who have lost their lives in the pursuit of human dignity. We are not all able to serve on the frontlines of natural and human-made disasters, but we can promote solidarity and cooperation in our communities when we actively pursue peace and understanding,” said Rosy S. Akbar, the minister for education, heritage and arts of Fiji. She urged everyone to “please keep striving for peace.”
California State Senator Connie Leyva said that “each one of us can be a humanitarian in our own way. We can take upon ourselves to help others. During this pandemic, being humanitarian by wearing your masks, by social distancing and by washing your hands.” “Let’s be kind to one another and let’s continue to be great humanitarian,” she added.
California State Senator Ling Ling Chang stated that “I’m happy to virtually join you and commemorate World Humanitarian Day with conscience. Now more than ever it is important for us to pay tribute to our real life heroes who help our neighbors in need, save lives and promote human welfare. Please join me in thanking our first responders and healthcare workers for all they do each and every day, and make it possible for us to get through these tough times. And remember to care for each other and help each other.”
“Through the solidarity platform which we established in the capital, we shared all of our efforts with many cities around the world online. We helped many cities around the world with masks and disinfectants. Apart from that, we mediated people in need with a extended campaign of goodness,” said Mayor Mansur Yavaş of Ankara, the capital of Turkey, adding that “I emphasize once again the importance of sharing the richness our world owns and heading towards happiness, prosperity and peace together.”
“If there is no humanity, if there is no conscience, the bridges built, the viaducts built, the dams that block the water, the modern cities built, the smart residences, none of them will serve us,” said Dr. Akkan Suver, president of the Marmara Group Foundation in Turkey, adding that “Today carries us towards new horizons of humanity. New horizons of humanity are responsible. The new horizons of humanity are conscience. And humanity’s new horizons are to design tomorrows like humans. I wish a world where we can live humanely in good health.”
Hugues Sanon, who was originally from Haiti and is the UN Representative of COJEP International, shared his humanitarian efforts and urged everyone to lend a helping hand to the needy by saying, “To be a humanitarian, you don’t need to be a rich person, anyone, either you are poor or rich, you can be a humanitarian by helping someone.” “Humanitarians are not only doctors, but also nurses, hospital workers, police officers, and many other government employees who are involved in the betterment of the world during this time. Even if you step out to provide face masks or food for the underprivileged, you are a humanitarian and deserve to be honored,” he added.
FOWPAL urges everyone to follow the guidance of his/her conscience and become a humanitarian. Global citizens are encouraged to continue to self-reflect every day on how to improve themselves and their communities. Together, we can transform the world!

Eight distinguished speakers shared their thoughts on “Celebrating World Humanitarian Day with Conscience,” and many humanitarians across the planet also shared their messages in support of humanitarian causes.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, stressed that “It is expected every conscience awakened will add a positive influence to create a world with fraternity, love and peace for ourselves and all humanity.”

"We are one humanity defined by a conscience, without which we are all soulless,” said Sir Neville Cenac, the governor general of Saint Lucia.

"We are one humanity defined by a conscience, without which we are all soulless,” said Sir Neville Cenac, the governor general of Saint Lucia.

"We are one humanity defined by a conscience, without which we are all soulless,” said Sir Neville Cenac, the governor general of Saint Lucia.

California State Senator Ling Ling Chang stated, “Remember to care for each other and help each other.”

Mayor Mansur Yavaş of Ankara stated that “I emphasize once again the importance of sharing the richness our world owns and heading towards happiness, prosperity and peace together.”

Dr. Akkan Suver, president of the Marmara Group Foundation in Turkey, said, “If there is no humanity, if there is no conscience, the bridges built, the viaducts built, the dams that block the water, the modern cities built, the smart residences, none of them will serve us.”

Hugues Sanon, who was originally from Haiti and is the UN Representative of COJEP International, shared, “To be a humanitarian, you don’t need to be a rich person, anyone, either you are poor or rich, you can be a humanitarian by helping someone.”