Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

True Facts About Monterey Park’s Recall

True Facts About Monterey Park’s Recall

A group of residents in City of Monterey Park has announced plans to recall Councilmember Peter Chan and Mayor Hans Liang at a council meeting on June 5.  The group has been highly critical of recent actions by the council majority in approving district elections and considerations of a 4-story senior condo development.

Mayor Pro Tem Mitch Ing and Councilmember Teresa Real Sebastian should be termed out in 2020 based on the 2013 Measure EE approved by the voters. It stated should City Councilmembers, City Clerk and City Treasurer should only serve two consecutive terms. Because Mitch Ing and Teresa Real Sebastian were sitting Councilmembers in 2013 they grandfathered themselves in. They are claiming that they only served one term since 2015.

Some voters stated that they voted for two consecutive terms based on the ballot measure. They did not realize that Mitch Ing and Teresa Real Sebastian would be exempt from this law at the time of the election.

Councilmember Peter Chan and Mayor Hans Liang recently held a NO RECALL gathering to inform the public about the various lies and accusations being spread by supporters of Mayor Pro Tem Mitch Ing and Councilmember Teresa Real Sebastian

Here are a list of accusations and fact check, compiled by The Citizens Voice, a media serving the cities in San Gabriel Valley

* Accusation —Mayor Liang and Councilmember Chan approved a helicopter landing site against residents opposition.

Fact Check – No helicopter landing site was approval by the City Council.  There was no motion, no vote, no approval at all for helicopter landing site anywhere in Monterey Park.

* Accusation – Mayor Liang and Councilmember Chan approved cannabis store on Monterey Pass Road

Fact Check –Cannabis was discussed at council meetings, but no action taken.  No motion, no vote.  Cannabis is currently illegal in Monterey Park, and approval would require a vote by residents.  No ballot measures, no vote, no action taken.

* Accusation – Mayor Liang and Councilmember Peter Chan are involved in corruption and have not reported money received by donors.

Fact Check – All contributions received by Mayor Liang and Councilmember Chan have been reported as required by law.  If there were any corruption, then DA would act and file criminal charges.  No charge filed by DA or any penalties assessed by Fair Political Practice Commission.

Peter Chan and Hans Liang are good hard working people who always support Monterey Park.  Do not believe the lies and accusation told about them by the Ing and Real Sebastian supporters.

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