Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

Saving Athena

Saving Athena

Our hometown of Monterey Park just celebrated our 100th anniversary. Our city motto is “Pride in the Past” and “Faith in the Future”.

In June 1928, Peter Snyder, a Greek immigrant, opened his Midwick View Estates in Monterey Park to sell real estate and build homes for people who wanted to move to Southern California. He built his sales office in the Spanish motif and named it Jardin del Encanto, which is a registered historical building. He also built a waterfall with the statue of Athena, the Goddess of Wisdom and War in the apex, which is a nod to his Greek heritage.  This famous site is now called the Cascades Park.

Monterey Park’s centennial coin prominently features the Cascades Park with Athena gazing across Monterey Park.

In 2004 Mary Duce and Chuck Carter chaired the Historical Society committee to raise funds from our membership, residents and business owners to purchase a new statue of Athena for the Cascades.

In July 2005 the new Athena was dedicated and donated to the city.

El Encanto and the Cascades waterfall reflect our pride in our past.

Ellie Lee and Matt Connolly from Equitable Vitrines wanted to change our city history by removing our Athena and replace her with their Eve, which is carved featuring Asian features according to their current proposal.

They received a Yes vote from the Parks and Recreations Commission to proceed with their plans to remove Athena and replace her with their status of Eve.

During February 15th City Council Meeting several longtime residents expressed concerns that Equitable Vitrines wanted change our city’s history by removing Athens and replace her another statue in her place.

They told the Council not to agree to with the commissioners’ decision to allow Equitable Vitrines to replace Athena at Cascades Park.

This approval by these commissioners was news to the Interim City Manager Ron Bow and other staff members just before the meeting.

Monterey Park has thirteen parks so their Eve can be housed in any other park.

Some of the suggested parks are Barnes Park, Elder Park or Langley Center.  These three parks are always crowded with residents and their guests.

The Council requested that staff place the Athena removal issue on an upcoming

agenda for their discussion.

During the March 1st Council Meeting Matt Connolly from Equitable Vitrines addressed the issue. They did not realize that Mary Duce and Chuck Carter along with our members of the Historical Society, residents and business owners replaced our Athena statue at the Cascades.

They offered to work with the Council and the residents to find other locations in Monterey Park to display their public artwork.

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