Electronically Serving Monterey Park, Alhambra, San Gabriel, & Rosemead

New Mayor In Monterey Park


On May 18th Mayor Peter Chan gave his final speech as mayor during the May 18th meeting since the Council would be rotating their seats during the May 25th meeting.

Mayor Chan said times goes fast. He was fortunate and lucky to be the Centennial Mayor leading the Play Days Parade. Every Councilmember gets to be mayor. He thanked the Council and staff for their support. As mayor he celebrated the Lunar New Year, Cherry Blossoms, Cinco De Mayo, the Sister Cities Dinner and an International Concert at East Los Angeles College.

The city provides for the health and safety of the residents. The police have stepped up patrols to combat the recent crime wave. They have made several arrests. The fire department saves lives. He spoke about the exchange with our firefighters and the firefighters from Hong Kong. He, Councilmember Stephen Lam, City Manager Paul Talbot, former Councilmember Anthony Wong and six firefighters traveled to Hong Kong at their own expense to learn how the Hong Kong firefighters are trained. The firefighters now have a new understanding about the cultural difference.

Our city is laying new water and sewer lines in town and changing out the old lines. We are also fixing potholes as well as the sidewalks and trimming trees.

We need new revenues to keep a good staff in our city. He spoke about the Market Place that should be completed in 2018 with major stores like Home Depot, In and Out, Chick Fil A, Starbuck and more. We have three hotels going to be built on Atlantic that will provide 12% bed tax as well as smaller businesses that want to move into our city. We have 80 new homes being built on Potereo Grande that will provide more property taxes.

He sponsored the Bike Essay Contest on possible Bike Lanes in the city. The Student Council Meeting was recorded with the tape going to the Traffic Commission for their review.  He held three Town Hall Meetings and had Coffee and Tea events with the residents for their ideas and complaints. He helped the residents get their sidewalks repaired. It is good that the Council, staff and residents work together to get things done.

He spoke about city going green with the CNG station at the City Yard, adding LED lights in the city’s building and the possibility of having solar panels on city property.

We have plans for the future. He is looking forward to continue working together. Please call him and the other Councilmembers for help.

The last nine and one-half months as mayor have been very rewarding. He thanked the Council, staff and residents for their support.

During the May 25th Council Meeting Mayor Chan’s last official duty was opening the meeting.


Members of the Monterey Park Fire and Policed Explorers presented the colors.

Mayor Chan led the Flag Salute.


Blythe Abigail Su-Ren Schulte sang our National Anthem. The crowd clapped long and hard in honor of our song.


Senior Pastor Corey Ishida from Evergreen Baptist Church in the San Gabriel Valley led the invocation. He asked God to bless and guide Mitch Ing and the Council. We pray for Your blessing upon the city.

City Clerk Vince Chang called the roll. Mayor Chan called for the vote to reorganize the City Council.  Clerk Chang announced that all five members voted to reorganize.

Mayor Chan said the last nine and one-half months were very rewarding. He thanked the city manager, staff and his fellow Councilmembers for their support.

He is looking forward with working with Mayor Mitch Ing and Vice Mayor Teresa Real Sebastian.


Andrew Ten was the Master of Ceremonies. He said he met Mitch Ing in the banking business 13 years ago. He has seen Mitch Ing’s non-public side. Mitch Ing serves the public at the bank, on the Rose Parade Committee, the Boy Scouts and students at the local schools.  He is honored to share his life with Mitch Ing, as they are news junkies. He spoke about Mitch Ing who dabbled in the arts. He thanked Mitch Ing for inviting him. You will be a great mayor.

He introduced the special guests that included former Mayors: Betty Tom Chu, David Lau with his wife Cici and Rita Valenzuela, Alhambra Councilmember Barbara Messina, former School Boardmember Dr. Sophie Wong, former Police Chief Jon Elder, South Pasadena Councilmember Michael Cacciotti and members of the Chinese Consulate.



Armen Sebastian was honored to install his wife, Teresa Real Sebastian into office as the Vice Mayor of Monterey Park. Her mother, Teresa Real, proudly watched from the front row of seats in the chambers.



Gloria Ing proudly installed her husband, Mitch Ing of 27 years into office as the Mayor in the presence of their son, Derek Ing, and many students from Highlands and Mark Keppel schools. Derek Ing announced to the audience that he is proud of his father. You are a great father. He presented his Dad with his gavel, badge and business cards on behalf of himself and Chantal Ing, his sister going to school in Virginia.


Mayor Mitch Ing welcomed the residents for attending this Mayoral event.  Thank you for coming. We are from all over the world. He had a slide show from family pictures that was widely enjoyed by the audience. He said his parents sent him to live with family members in Monterey Park while he attended college. He met his wife, Gloria in Monterey Park and they were married 11 months later. He spoke about Gloria’s long time relationship with former Mayor Louse Davis. She predicted that one day he would be the Mayor of Monterey Park. She helped them in politics.

He explained that he and his family had to make a balance between public and private life. He thanked his family for their support. He thanked his wife of 27 years, Gloria for her love and support. He thanked his daughter, Chantal, a Pharmacy Student in in Virginia who could not attend this event. He thanked his son, Derek, a third year student at UC Irvine. He thanked his family for sharing their lives in the community.

He said that he and his wife provided 92 $500 scholarships to help local high school students. He is excited that the Market Place will finally break ground. He thanked the previous Councils for laying the groundwork. He has spent the last eight years supporting the You-Tube community.

He and his family thanked everyone for their support. He thanked Andrew Ten of being his MC and he thanked Bylthe Abigail Su-Ren Schulte for her beautiful sing at this event.

He thanked his friends and employees at Citizens Bank for their support. He thanked the members of the Ing family and the donors for their support.


Alhambra Councilmember Barbara Messina presented proclamations to Peter Chan, Mitch Ing and Teresa Real Sebastian in honor of this event.


Lawrence Shih a representative of Supervisor Hilda Solis presented proclamation to Mitch Ing in honor of this event.


Members of the Chinese Consul presented Mitch Ing with a proclamation in honor of this event.



The Rotary Club presented proclamations to Peter Chan and Mitch Ing in honor of this event with three You-Tube celebrities.

Mayor Ing ended the meeting and invited everyone to enjoy the refreshments.


Kellie Chu, Darwin Tse, Lawrence Lee and Steven Truong, members of the Mark Keppel’s Quartet playing during the social hour after the ceremony

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